全球各國最好的工程學(xué)校 2015年世界大學(xué)排名概述

閱讀:22463 來源:51offer.com 作者:lina
美國名校的機(jī)械工程類專業(yè)總是領(lǐng)先于其他國家高校,英國也有三所大學(xué)上榜,分別為:劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)、帝國理工學(xué)院(Imperial College London)和牛津大學(xué)(University of Oxford)。

一般情況下,QS World University Rankings by Subject包括機(jī)械專業(yè)世界前300大學(xué)排名,航空與制造工程類排名,基于一種評估學(xué)術(shù)聲譽(yù),雇主聲譽(yù)與研究影響的方法。


如上圖,美國名校的機(jī)械工程類專業(yè)總是領(lǐng)先于其他國家高校,英國也有三所大學(xué)上榜,分別為:劍橋大學(xué)(University of Cambridge)、帝國理工學(xué)院(Imperial CollegeLondon)和牛津大學(xué)(University of Oxford)。

美國和加拿大最好的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校(Top mechanical engineering schools in the US & Canada)



California Institute of Technology (Caltech, 8th in the QS World University Rankings® 2014/15),Purdue University (102nd in the world rankings),University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (63rd in the world rankings),University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA,37th in the world rankings),Northwestern University (34th in the world rankings),Cornell University (19th in the world rankings),Princeton University (9th in the world rankings),Pennsylvania State University (13th in the world rankings),Texas A&M University (165th in the world rankings) and Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech, 355th in the world rankings)。


因此,這些學(xué)校是:the University of Toronto(20th in the world rankings),McGill University (21st in the world rankings),the University of British Colombia (43rd in the world rankings) and the University of Waterloo (169th in the world rankings)。

歐洲最好的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校(Top mechanical engineering schools in Europe)


除The TOP 10中的三所:Cranfield University (unranked in the world rankings) and the University of Manchester (30thin the world rankings) 都在這個學(xué)科世界排名前50。

The TOP 100是:

Loughborough University (265th in the world rankings), the University of Nottingham (77th in the world rankings), theUniversity of Sheffield (69th in the world rankings),the University of Bath (179th in the world rankings),the University of Birmingham (64th in the world rankings),the University of Bristol (29th in the world rankings),the University of Leeds (97th in the world rankings),the University of Liverpool(123rd in the world rankings) and the University of Southampton (94th in the world rankings)。

德國的大學(xué)有14所被機(jī)械工程排名精選出來,其中六所進(jìn)入the world’s top 50。


Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH Aachen, 147th in the world rankings),Technische Universität München (TU Munich, 54th in the world rankings),Universität Stuttgart (274th in the world rankings),Technische Universität Darmstadt (269thin the world rankings),KIT,Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (127th in the world rankings) andTechnische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin, 192nd in the world rankings)。

法國機(jī)械工程大學(xué)前300中有11所,包括Ecole Centrale de Paris (unranked in the world rankings) and Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech (35th in the world rankings)。

意大利有10個主要的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校,包括一個全球前50–Politecnico di Milano (229th in the world rankings) – 和另一個前100– Politecnico di Torino(365th in the world rankings)。

比利時有五所機(jī)械工程頂尖大學(xué),包括在前100的KU Leuven(82nd in the world rankings) 。

西班牙有四所,以其最高的排名提供,Politécnica de Madrid (385th in the world rankings) 在101-150。

然后是希臘,the Netherlands and Sweden,每一個有三個頂級機(jī)械工程學(xué)校。

這些包括the Dutch Delft University of Technology (86th in the world rankings) and the Swedish KTH,Royal Institute of Technology (110th in the world rankings) – 兩個在世界前50的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校– 以及the Swedish Chalmers University of Technology (175th in the world rankings) 在前100。

希臘排名最高的學(xué)校是the National Technical University of Athens (441-450 in the world rankings) 在101-150范圍。


瑞士的兩所都躋身世界前50的學(xué)校是–ETH Zurich (12th in the world rankings) 機(jī)械工程專業(yè)第十五名,and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, 17th in the world rankings) 49=。

丹麥的頂級學(xué)校,theTechnical University of Denmark (123rd in the world rankings)前100,俄羅斯的Lomonosov Moscow State University (114th in the world rankings) and Austria’s Technische Universität Graz 排在101-150。

愛爾蘭的Trinity College Dublin(71st in the world rankings) and the Czech Republic’s Czech Technical University in Prague (411-420 in the world rankings)都排在151-200.


挪威的University of Science and Technology (246th in the world rankings) 是排名最高的,排在101-150。

芬蘭的Aalto University,匈牙利的 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the Polish Warsaw University of Technology, the Portuguese University of Porto and the Serbian University of Belgrade 都在201-300。

亞洲最好的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校(Top mechanical engineering schools in Asia)


這些包括Tsinghua University(47th in the world rankings),Shanghai Jiao Tong University (104th in the world rankings) and Peking University (57th in the world rankings) – 所有的都在世界機(jī)械工程排名前50。

Japan is next up, with 14 top mechanical engineering universities, including the University of Tokyo (31st in the world rankings), the Tokyo Institute of Technology (68th in the world rankings) and Kyoto University (36th in the world rankings) within the top 50.

There are 11 entrants for South Korea, including two in the top 50 – KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (51st in the world rankings) and Seoul National University (SNU, 31st in the world rankings).

With a total of nine schools ranked in India, the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology perform particularly well, with four – IIT Bombay (IITB, 222nd in the world rankings), IIT Delhi (IITD, 235th in the world rankings), IIT Kharagpur (IITKGP, 324th in the world rankings) and IIT Madras (IITM, 322nd in the world rankings) – ranked among the world’s top 100.

Both Taiwan and Malaysia each claim eight leading mechanical engineering universities, with two each among the top 100 worldwide – Taiwanese National Taiwan University (NTU, 76th in the world rankings) and National Tsing Hua University (167th in the world rankings) and the Malay Universiti Malaya (UM, 151stin the world rankings), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, 309th in the world rankings).

Hong Kong has five representatives, two of which are in the top 50 – Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST, 40th in the world rankings) and University of Hong Kong (28th in the world rankings) – while a further two are in the top 100 – the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK, 46th in the world rankings) and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (162nd in the world rankings).

Singapore likewise has a strong offering, with NUS in 8th place and Nanyang Technological University(NTU, 39th in the world rankings) at 17=.

Lastly, both Indonesia and Thailand each have one school featured. These are the Thai Chulalongkorn University (243rd in the world rankings) and the Indonesian Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, 461-470 in the world rankings).

拉丁美洲最好的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校(Top mechanical engineering schools in Latin America)

Nine of the 13 top mechanical engineering universities in Latin America are claimed by Brazil. Of these, two are among the world’s top 100: Universidade de São Paulo (USP, 132nd in the world rankings) and Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp, 206th in the world rankings).

Mexico boasts three top mechanical engineering universities, including the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM, 175th in the world rankings) at 151-200.

The other Latin American country featured in the mechanical engineering ranking is Chile, with the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (167th in the world rankings).

View our full range of Latin American country guides, or discover more leading schools in the region with the latest edition of the QS University Rankings: Latin America.

澳大利亞與新西蘭最好的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校(Top mechanical engineering schools in Australia & New Zealand)

Australia appears a total of 14 times in the mechanical engineering ranking, with the University of Melbourne(33rd in the world rankings), Monash University (70th in the world rankings), the University of Sydney (37th in the world rankings) and the University of New South Wales (48th in the world rankings) all among the world’s top 50.

Also in the top 100 are Australian National University (ANU, 25th in the world rankings),RMIT University (304th in the world rankings) and theUniversity of Queensland (UQ, 43rd in the world rankings).

Neighboring New Zealand, meanwhile, offers a pair of leading mechanical engineering schools – theUniversity of Auckland (92nd in the world rankings) at 51-100 and the University of Canterbury (242ndin the world rankings) at 151-200.

中東最好的機(jī)械工程學(xué)校(Top mechanical engineering schools in the Middle East)

Both Saudi Arabia and Turkey each have four top universities for mechanical engineering, including the Saudi King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals(KFUPM, 225th in the world rankings) and King Saud University (KSU, 249th in the world rankings), both at 101-150. Meanwhile Turkey’s Middle East Technical University (401-410 in the world rankings) ranks at 51-100, followed by Istanbul Technical University (501-550 in the world rankings) at 101-150.

While the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (190th in the world rankings) is Israel’s only offering in the ranking, Egypt has three representatives, including Cairo University (551-600 in the world rankings). South Africa is the only other African nation featured, with the University of Cape Town (141st in the world rankings).

標(biāo)簽: 大學(xué) 工程學(xué)院 QS世界大學(xué)排名 51offer編輯:lina


所在地區(qū): 英格蘭 所在城市:Cambridge TIMES排名: 1

優(yōu)勢專業(yè):航空和制造工程學(xué) 化學(xué)工程 土木工程 計算機(jī)科學(xué) 電氣及電子工程

