- 專題| 面試恐懼癥?51offer招生官現(xiàn)場(chǎng)面試指南拯救你
- 帝國(guó)理工留學(xué)前輩告訴你 讀英國(guó)一年制碩士值不值?
- 2021年留學(xué),step by step教你如何申請(qǐng)英國(guó)大學(xué)
- 漲姿勢(shì)!怎樣給導(dǎo)師寫一封得體的電子郵件?!
- 你的2018年英國(guó)留學(xué)賬單來啦!
- 到底看綜排還是專排?教你幾招看透英國(guó)大學(xué)的真正實(shí)力!
- 蘭卡斯特大學(xué)的牛X 其實(shí)很多留學(xué)生都不太懂!
- 名校喜歡什么樣的學(xué)生?世界TOP10名校錄取標(biāo)準(zhǔn)告訴你
1. 劍橋大學(xué)
- Business Administration - MBA
- Business Administration, Executive - EMBA
- Entrepreneurship - PGDip
- Finance - MFin
- Finance - MPhil
- Innovation, Strategy and Organisation - MPhil
- Management - MPhil
- Management Studies - PhD
- Management Studies - MRes + PhD
- Social Innovation - MSt
- Strategy, Marketing and Operations - MPhil
- Technology Policy - MPhil
2. 牛津大學(xué)
- MSc in Major Programme Management
- MSc Law and Finance
- Oxford MBA
- Oxford MSc Financial Economics
- MSc Business Analytics
- MSc Climate Change, Management and Finance
- MSc Economics and Strategy for Business
- MSc Finance
- MSc Finance and Accounting
- MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management
- MSc International Health Management
- MSc Investment and Wealth Management
- MSc Management
- MSc Risk Management and Financial Engineering
- MSc Strategic Marketing
4. 圣安德魯斯大學(xué)
- Economics MSc
- Finance MSc
- Finance and Economics MSc
- Money, Banking and Finance MSc
- Banking and Finance MSc
- Finance and Management MSc
- Human Resource Management MLitt
- International Business MLitt
- Management MLitt
- Management and Information Technology MSc
- Marketing MLitt
5. 杜倫大學(xué)
- Accounting MSc
- Business Development MBA
- Master of Business Administration MBA
- Economics MSc
- Public Economics MSc
- Finance MSc
- Finance (Accounting and Finance) MSc
- Finance (Corporate and International Finance) MSc
- Finance (Economics and Finance) MSc
- Finance (Finance and Investment) MSc
- Finance (International Banking and Finance) MSc
- Finance (International Money, Finance and Investment) MSc
- Management MSc
- Management (Business Ethics) MSc
- Management (Entrepreneurship) MSc
- Management (Finance) MSc
- Management (Human Resource Management) MSc
- Management (International Business) MSc
- Management (Supply Chain Logistics) MSc
- Marketing MSc
6. 華威大學(xué)
- Executive MBA (Warwick)
- Executive MBA (London)
- Distance Learning MBA
- Full-time MBA
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MSc Business (Consulting)
- MSc Business (Accounting and Finance)
- MSc Business (Marketing)
- MSc Business (Financial Management)
- MSc Business Analytics
- MSc Finance
- MSc Finance and Economics
- MSc Financial Mathematics
- MSc Information Systems Management and Innovation
- MSc International Business
- MSc Management
- MSc Marketing and Strategy
7. ??巳卮髮W(xué)
- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Accounting and Tax MSc
- International Management MSc
- Marketing MSc
- Human Resource Management MSc/PgDip
- International Tourism Management MSc
- International Tourism and Hospitality Management MSc
- Management MRes
- MBA - One Planet MBA
- Economics MSc
- Economics and Econometrics MSc
- Behavioural Economics and Finance MSc
- Economics MRes
- Financial Economics MSc
- Money and Banking MSc
- Finance and Investment MSc
- Finance and Management MSc
- Financial Analysis and Fund Management MSc
- Marketing and Financial Services MSc
8. 薩里大學(xué)
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MSc Banking and Finance
- MSc Business Economics and Finance
- MSc Economics
- MSc Human Resource Management
- MSc International Business Management
- MSc International Economics, Finance and Development
- MSc International Financial Management
- MSc International Hotel Management
- MSc International Marketing Management
- MSc International Tourism Development
- MSc International Tourism Management
- MSc International Tourism Marketing
- MSc Marketing Management
- MBA Master of Business Administration
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MSc Accounting, Organisations and Institutions
- MSc Econometrics and Mathematical Economics
- MSc Economics
- MSc Economics and Management
- Economy, Risk and Society
- MSc Finance (full-time)
- MSc Finance and Economics / MSc Finance and Economics (Research)
- MSc Finance and Private Equity
- MSc Financial Mathematics
- MSc Human Resources and Organisations (International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management)
- MSc Human Resources and Organisations (Organisational Behaviour)
- MSc International Management
- MSc Local Economic Development
- Master's in Management
- MSc Management and Strategy
- MSc Risk and Finance
10. 倫敦大學(xué)學(xué)院
- Economics MSc
- Economic Policy MSc
- Business Analytics (with specialisation in Management Science) MSc
- Management MSc
- Technology Entrepreneurship MSc
11. 蘭卡斯特大學(xué)
- Accounting and Financial Management : MSc
- Advanced Financial Analysis : MSc
- Finance : MSc
- Financial Analysis : MSc
- Money, Banking and Finance : MSc
- Quantitative Finance : MSc
- Economics : MSc
- Money, Banking and Finance : MSc
- International Business and Strategy : MSc
- Business Administration : MBA
- Management : MSc
- E-Business and Innovation : MSc
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management : MSc
- Management Science and Marketing Analytics : MSc
- Operational Research and Management Science : MSc
- Advanced Marketing Management : MSc
- Marketing : MSc
12. 巴斯大學(xué)
- MSc Economics
- MSc Economics & Finance
- MSc International Money & Banking
- MSc in Business Analytics
- MSc in Operations, Logistics & Supply Chain Management
- MSc Accounting & Finance
- MSc in Entrepreneurship & Management
- MSc Finance programmes
- MSc in Human Resource Management & Consulting
- MSc in Sustainability & Management
- MSc Innovation & Technology Management (delivered jointly with Dept of Mechanical Engineering)
- MSc International Management
- MSc Management
- MSc Marketing
- The Bath MBA
13. 拉夫堡大學(xué)
- The Loughborough MBA
- Management
- Business Analysis and Management
- International Management
- Marketing
- Finance and Management
- Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Finance and Investment
- Banking and Finance
- Economics and Finance
- Business Analytics Consulting
- Information Management and Business Technology
- Human Resource Management
- Employment Relations and HRM
14. 利茲大學(xué)
- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Actuarial Finance MSc
- Advertising and Design MA
- Advertising and Marketing MA
- Banking and International Finance MSc
- Business Analytics and Decision Sciences MSc
- Business Psychology MSc
- Chinese and Management MA
- Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy MSc
- Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations MA
- Economics MSc
- Enterprise MSc
- Finance and Investment MSc
- Financial Mathematics MSc
- Financial Risk Management MSc
- Full Time MBA
- Global Innovation Management MSc
- Global Supply Chain Management MSc
- Health Economics MSc
- Human Resource Management MA
- Information Systems and Information Management MSc
- International Business MSc
- International Marketing Management MSc
- Law and Finance MSc
- Management MSc
- Management Consulting MSc
- Organizational Behaviour MA
- Organizational Psychology MSc
- Physics and Business Management MSc
- Research in Accounting and Finance MSc
- Research in Business and Management MSc
- Strategic Management in the Global Environment MSc
- Sustainability and Business MSc
15. 約克大學(xué)
- MSc in Development Economics and Emerging Markets
- MSc in Econometrics and Economics
- MSc in Economic and Social History
- MSc in Economics
- MSc in Economics and Finance
- MSc Economics and Public Policy
- MSc in Finance
- MSc in Finance and Econometrics
- MSc in Health Economics
- MSc in Project Analysis, Finance and Investment
- MSc Accounting and Financial Management
- MSc Global Marketing
- MA in Human Resource Management
- MSc in International Business and Strategic Management
- MRes in Management
- MA in Management
- MSc in Management with Business Finance
16. 南安普頓大學(xué)
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MSc Accounting and Management
- MSc Finance
- MSc Finance and Econometrics
- MSc Finance and Economics
- MSc in Operational Research and Finance
- MSc International Banking and Financial Studies
- MSc International Financial Markets
- Master of Business Administration
- MSc Business Analytics and Finance
- MSc Business Risk and Security Management
- MSc Cyber Security Risk Management
- MSc Global Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- MSc Human Resource Management
- MSc International Management
- MSc Knowledge and Information Systems Management
- MSc Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility
- MSc Marketing Management
- MSc Project Management
- MSc Risk and Finance
- MSc Risk Management
- MSc Strategy and Innovation
- MSc Supply Chain Management and Logistics
17. 伯明翰大學(xué)
- Development Economics MSc
- Economics MSc
- Financial Management MSc
- Global Banking and Finance MBA
- Human Resource Management MSc
- International Accounting and Finance MSc
- International Business MSc
- International Economics MSc
- International Marketing MSc
- International Money and Banking MSc
- Investments MSc
- Management MSc
- Marketing Communications MSc
- Marketing MSc
- Mathematical Finance MSc
- MBA (full-time)
- Money, Banking and Finance MSc
- Development Economics MSc
- Economics MSc
- Environmental and Natural Resource Economics MSc
- Financial Economics MSc
- International Economics MSc
- International Money and Banking MSc
- Mathematical Finance MSc
- Money, Banking and Finance MSc
18. 東安格利亞大學(xué)
- MSc Accounting and Finance
- MSc Banking and Finance
- MSc Business Management
- MSc Development Economics
- MSc Economics
- MSc Economics and International Relations
- MSc Economics of International Finance and Trade
- MSc Economics of Money, Banking and Capital Markets
- MSc Finance and Economics
- MSc Finance and Management
- MSc Industrial Economics
- MSc International Accounting and Financial Management
- MSc International Business Economics
- MSc International Business Finance and Economics
- MSc Management
- MSc Marketing
- MSc Marketing and Management
- MBA Master of Business Administration
19. 薩塞克斯大學(xué)
- MBA in Master of Business Administration (full time)
- MSc in Banking and Finance
- MSc in Corporate and Financial Risk Management
- MSc in Engineering Business Management
- MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (formerly titled Management and Entrepreneurship)
- MSc in Financial Mathematics
- MSc in Financial Risk and Investment Analysis
- MSc in Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management
- MSc in Human Resource Management
- MSc in International Accounting and Corporate Governance
- MSc in International Management
- MSc in International Marketing
- MSc in Management
- MSc in Management and Finance
- MSc in Management of Information Technology
- MSc in Project Management (formerly titled Managing Innovation and Projects)
- MSc in Strategic Innovation Management (formerly titled Technology and Innovation Management)
- MSc in Development Economics
- MSc in Economics
- MSc in International Business Economics
- MSc in International Economics
- MSc in International Finance and Economics
20. 布里斯托大學(xué)
- Accounting and Finance, MSc
- Accounting, Finance and Management, MSc
- Economics, MSc
- Economics and Econometrics, MSc
- Economics and Finance, MSc
- Economics and Public Policy, MSc
- Economics, Accounting and Finance, MSc
- Economics, Finance and Management, MSc
- Management, MSc