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The University of Melbourne
Victoria , Melbourne


為你找到 670 個相關專業(yè)
  • Australian Indigenous Studies is a value-driven program guided by the principles of interdisciplinary knowledge, intellectual exchange, and social relevance. It offers you a range of perspectives on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture, with subjects reflecting the rich diversity of the field. Themes include Indigenous cultural production, key thinkers and concepts, settler and Indigenous environmental ethics, Aboriginal women and coloniality, Indigenous health, and issues relating to land, law and philosophy.
  • Chinese language subjects are organised in a progressive sequence of units from Chinese 1 through to Chinese 10. Entry and exit points are determined by your background in the language, placement testing and prerequisites.
  • Classics is the study of the languages Ancient Greek and Latin, exploring ancient culture through the literature of ancient Greece and Rome in the original languages. Students who major in Classics progress through one or both of these languages from beginners through intermediate to advanced levels.
  • 100澳幣
    The Creative Writing major offers you the opportunity to explore your creative potential and to extend your work to avant-garde, cross-genre and experimental forms of writing. You will be encouraged to critically test the creative potential and the influence of contemporary theoretical and philosophical schools of thought in all forms of writing. Areas of specialisation include fiction, poetry, poetics, non-fiction, performance and writing for theatre, and autobiography.
  • 100澳幣
    Criminology draws knowledge and perspectives from a range of disciplines such as law, sociology, psychology, psychiatry and history. Initially, criminology had a strong practical focus: its role was to advise governments on issues such as policing, the management of prisons, sentencing and offender treatment. Concern with policy and practice remains, but criminologists now work in a much wider range of fields including crime prevention, corporate and white-collar crime, business regulation, drug policy and consumer and environmental protection.
  • 100澳幣
    English and Theatre Studies is a combined program, which means you can specialise in either area. The program offers studies in imaginative writing and dramatic performance. It focuses on their forms and traditions, and on the myriad ways they engage with the everyday world.
  • 100澳幣
    French is one of the world’s major international languages: it is spoken by over 200 million people in 43 countries, on five continents. A knowledge of French may increase access to careers in international relations, development studies, business, science and the arts.
  • 100澳幣
    Gender Studies considers the impact of gender and sexuality on a range of discourses embedded within cultures, identities and global histories. Through this major, you will consider ideas of sexual difference, sexual politics and sexuality through close engagement with a broad variety of theorists, case studies and media.
  • Geography is the study of landscape, people, space, place and environment. It recognises the differences in societies and environments across the world, and also the links between them. Geography integrates both physical science and social science knowledge to provide the skills and conceptual frameworks needed to understand the processes and power relations that shape the world around us.
  • 100澳幣
    German has more than 100 million native speakers and is the third most popular foreign language worldwide. A knowledge of German opens up the rich culture of German-speaking Europe as well as its history, philosophy, literature, music and scientific traditions.