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The University of Melbourne
Victoria , Melbourne


為你找到 670 個相關專業(yè)
  • 17328澳幣
    1. In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed either: an undergraduate degree in a cognate discipline such as Health Science, Social Work, Psychology, Medicine, or related discipline; or an undergraduate degree in any discipline or equivalent, and two years of documented relevant work experience;
    The Graduate Diploma in Youth Mental Health is designed for health-care professionals working in a range of clinical and community contexts, and is intended to provide students with the latest theory, research and evidence-based approaches in the specialised area of youth mental health. Students learn about the foundational theories of youth development and mental ill-health; tailored engagement and assessment approaches; key prevention and early intervention strategies; and the identification and treatment of serious mental ill-health in young people
  • Academic performance from all previous tertiary studies Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score and essay
    The Melbourne Juris Doctor and Master of Business Administration graduate program is jointly offered by Melbourne Law School and Melbourne Business School at the University of Melbourne. The collaboration between the two Schools provides students with access to both a world-class MBA and Australia's most innovative Juris Doctor degree.
  • Students with a business/commerce undergraduate degree should consider our new program the Master of Management (Accounting and Finance).
  • 40416澳幣
    IELTS: 6.5 (with no band less than 6.0)
    1. In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed: an undergraduate or postgraduate degree with the equivalent of a major in mathematically based subjects; the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) unless the applicant has completed an undergraduate degree in Australia or New Zealand or met one of the approved conditions for GMAT or GRE exemption;
    The Master of Actuarial Science provides non-actuarial graduates who have mathematical or statistical specialisations (e.g. mathematics, physics or engineering) with the skills required for immediate transition into the actuarial workplace as a trainee actuary.
  • 100澳幣
    an undergraduate degree in a cognate discipline such as Education, Health Science, Social Work or related discipline; or an undergraduate degree in any discipline, or equivalent, and at least 2 years of documented relevant work experience;
    The Master of Adolescent Health and Welfare program will provide a unique learning opportunity for students to develop in-depth knowledge and advanced skills in the specialist discipline of adolescent health and well being.
  • 18976澳幣
    a Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Nursing Science or equivalent training; and at least one year of clinical experience as a registered nurse within the five years.
    The Master of Advanced Nursing Practice (MANP) provides you with the confidence and skills to provide the best possible health care for your patients. Masters-prepared nurses will assume a major responsibility in developing new professional roles, devising new models of care and overseeing dynamic changes to practice. As a clinically proficient and professionally articulate MANP graduate, you will be prepared to make your mark on the profession and on health care.
  • 39072澳幣
    a) a qualifying Australian Bachelor of Social Work or equivalent within the last ten years with a grade point average of H2A (75%) or higher;
    The Master of Advanced Social Work (Research) allows students to combine coursework with extensive independent research in social work. It encourages an advanced practice-oriented and theoretical approach, and supports self-directed, lifelong learning.
  • 39424澳幣
    6.5 (with no band less than 6.0)
    A degree in law (LLB, JD or equivalent) at honours standard or equivalent leading to admission to legal practice
    Melbourne Law School’s internationally renowned specialisation in sports law is at the cutting-edge of sporting and legal knowledge. It was developed specifically for legal practitioners and professionals in the growing field of sports administration and management, for whom an understanding of sports law will provide a real professional advantage. With specially formulated international and national advisory boards influencing the program’s focus and direction, the graduate program in sports law provides a fascinating insight into this legal area.
  • 23520澳幣
    The program has been developed to address the specialised needs of teaching and learning in surgical environments. Surgical education is unique within the broader discipline of medical education characterised by the clinical settings in which surgery is taught. Technology has had a significant impact and will play an increasingly important role in teaching and learning the complex sets of skills required for safe surgical practice.
  • 23520澳幣
    The program has been developed to address the specialised needs of teaching and learning in surgical environments. Surgical education is unique within the broader discipline of medical education characterised by the clinical settings in which surgery is taught. Technology has had a significant impact and will play an increasingly important role in teaching and learning the complex sets of skills required for safe surgical practice.