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The University of Melbourne
Victoria , Melbourne


為你找到 670 個相關專業(yè)
  • 40416澳幣
    The Master of Commerce (Actuarial Studies) is designed to develop advanced skills in carrying out independent and sustained research. You will pursue original research on an approved topic, and will be supported by a supervisor during your studies.
  • 29984澳幣
    Applicants for the Master of Arts and Community Practice must meet the following criteria: An undergraduate degree with a major relevant to community cultural development or equivalent;
    This course provides an intensive learning experience for artists and practitioners who have a commitment to social justice and to the role of art as a process for intervention. This is a 200 point Masters program, you may exit the course after completing 50 points with a Graduate Certificate or after 100 points with a Graduate Diploma. Graduates will further develop their capacity for leadership within diverse cultural contexts, rights discourse and community sustainability.
  • 39424澳幣
    6.5 (with no band less than 6.0)
    A degree in law (LLB, JD or equivalent) leading to admission to practice, at honours standard, or equivalent or A degree in law (LLB, JD or equivalent) leading to admission to practice, or equivalent and two years of documented relevant professional experience or An undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline and two years of documented relevant professional experience or An undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline; and successful completion of four subjects in a cognate graduate diploma and one year of documented relevant professional experience.
    Melbourne Law School's specialisation in competition and consumer law offers advanced expertise and skills in an area of law that is growing, complex, interdisciplinary and crucial to economic welfare at national and international levels. The courses in this specialisation are designed to recognise the economic character of the law, and also to offer an applied focus on issues arising in practice. In addition to providing students with a detailed understanding of the law currently regulating competition and consumer protection, current policy debates and reform initiatives, as well as international and comparative perspectives are at the heart of the program. All of the subjects in the specialty are taught by world leaders in the field, from academia, the profession and government. The specialty also offers a fully online suite of courses and subjects in global competition and consumer law. Students enrolled in on-campus courses are able to take subjects in the online program.
  • 39424澳幣
    6.5 (with no band less than 6.0)
    Applicants must have completed: A degree in law (LLB, JD or equivalent) leading to admission to practice, at honours standard, or equivalent
    Melbourne Law School's specialisation in construction law has been tailored to give construction lawyers and professionals in building, construction, engineering and associated industries the legal knowledge to take the next step in their careers. Working with lecturers who are leaders in their fields, and fellow students from Australia and around the world, students have a unique opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of this specialised area of law and its interaction with the commerce and practice of the industry.
  • 37984澳幣
    You need to meet the following criteria to be considered for entry to the program: An undergraduate degree in any area with a weighted average of at least 65%, or equivalent to the University of Melbourne grading scheme. A personal statement of up to 500 words outlining relevant prior study and work experience, motivation to undertake the program.
    The Master of Construction Management is a professional degree for graduates wanting to become leaders in the construction industry. The program focuses on real-world projects which range across the full construction management cycle, preparing students for the realities of professional life.
  • 29984澳幣
    6.5 (with no band less than 6.0)
    Applicants for the Master of Contemporary Art must meet the following criteria: An undergraduate degree and/or an Honours degree in a relevant discipline and/or the Graduate Certificate in Visual Art – with at least H2B (70%) in the major;
    The Master of Contemporary Art is a professional degree that serves as a bridge between undergraduate study and independent art practice, as a “refresher” program for artists who have been away from formal study, or as an entry point to further tertiary education for artists who lack formal qualifications but have significant professional experience, including those of recognised ability who have been unable to undertake or complete an honours year.
  • 31776澳幣
    An undergraduate degree in a cognate discipline, with a weighted average mark of at least H2B (70%), or equivalent; and a 3,000 word creative writing folio
    The Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing offers students an exciting and productive environment in which to acquire and develop essential skills in creative writing and editing. The degree demonstrates the links and shared skills between writer, editor and publisher as well as between fiction and non-fiction writing.
  • 31776澳幣
    an undergraduate degree in any discipline, with at least H2B (70%) weighted average, or equivalent
    The Master of Criminology is a cutting-edge criminology program that critically engages with crime, criminal law and criminal justice in local and global contexts. From international crimes, like terrorism and genocide, to local issues, such as indigenous justice and injustice, the program exposes students to the latest theoretical and practical advances in these fields.
  • 32384澳幣
    an undergraduate degree in any discipline, with at least H2B (70%) weighted average, or equivalent
    The Master of Cultural Materials Conservation offers a professional qualification, combining both theory and practice, and emphasising the philosophical, intellectual and scientific aspects of cultural materials conservation. Students will benefit from the Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation’s strong industry links and will gain access to the University of Melbourne’s vast and varied cultural collections, including the Ian Potter Museum of Art, and the University’s library, archive and school collections. Students will also have access to industry links with leading museums, galleries, archives and libraries, across Australia and overseas, with opportunities to develop research in relation to broader issues of cultural preservation for communities and cultures within the Asian-Pacific region.
  • 100澳幣
    The Master of Design is highly flexible and allows students to select subjects in accordance with their study and career aspirations, (with guidance from the course coordinator).